
other good reads!

Two of my good friends from college recently started blogs:

Also Poetry: a paean to loving food and yourself, from a recovering anorexic girl who went into the food industry. This seriously makes me want to eat, and makes me want to eat things like a warm goat cheese salad or a giant bunch of grapes. Hannah's love of really excellent food is truly something worthwhile, and her voice is really inspiring - she's pitting her love of food against her former eating problems, and it looks like love wins out after all.

lifeissweetgood: a Floridian computer programmer moves to France by way of New York and Georgia Tech, and has the hilariously awesome pen name of Rafael de la Ghetto. So far, it's been some really great pictures and a description of Paris that makes me want to give it a second chance.

Also, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned hers before, but Daryl Seitchik has a pretty awesome series of hand-hewn comics that I find to be generally pleasing.